Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere allows live class participation from anywhere in real time. Students can participate with their cell phones or through computers and then you can share the results instantly. A great way to make your class more interactive. Free plans are available.
Testing a New Approach to Increase Employment Advancement for Low-Skilled Adults
This policy brief discusses a new skills building model called “WorkAdvance” that is designed to help low-income adults prepare for, enter, and succeed in quality jobs, in high-demand fields with opportunities for career growth.
A national initiative to provide low income individuals with high-speed low-cost internet access and discounted computers. FLC is a state partner and your organization may also want to partner to prequalify your adult learners for these services.
Health Literacy Consulting helps organizations communicate health information in ways that people can understand. Helen Osborne, the founder and president, hosts workshops, free podcasts, “how-to tips”, articles, books, and writing and editing techniques.
First PIAAC, Then What? Live Webcast
Date: September 23, 2013
Time: 1:00-3:00 pm
Join the National Coalition for Literacy for a live webcast to discuss the upcoming release of PIAAC. Find out how a coordinated response to PIAAC will roll out and hear from legislative staff about effective communication strategies.
Location: Your computer
FLC Teacher/Tutor Symposiums
September- November
National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week
September 23-29, 2013
Location: Everywhere!
Health Insurance Marketplace 101
Date: September 25, 2013
Time: 1:00-2:00 pm EST
Includes an overview of the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act and a basic introduction to the Marketplace, highlighting who is eligible and how the Marketplace will work.
Location: Your computer
TABE Administrator Training
Date: September 27, 2013
Time: 8:00 -3:00 pm
This training will provide staff members that assess the literacy skills of adults with certification to administer the TABE. Staff who administer the TABE must successfully complete this training at least every three years. Participants need to attend the entire training to qualify for certification.
Location: Daytona State College, 1200 West International Speedway Blvd, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
2013 ACE Conference: Changing Lives through Adult Education
Dates: September 30- October 2, 2013
The 2013 ACE Conference brings together literacy providers and educators throughout Florida for a three-day event.
Location: Hilton Lake Buena Vista, 1751 Hotel Plaza Boulevard, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 32830
US Conference on Adult Literacy
Dates: October 31- November 2, 2013
The U.S. Conference on Adult Literacy brings together adult literacy advocates and educators to share new ideas, learn from leading thinkers, and inspire one another.
Location: Hyatt Regency, 400 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
Royal Caribbean Grants
The company supports programs that positively impact the communities in which they serve. The priority areas include children and families, education, and marine conservation. The majority of their giving is centered in port communities, especially in Florida.
Deadline: October 4, 2013
Walmart Local Giving Program
Through the Local Giving Program, Walmart stores, Sam's Clubs and Logistics facilities can support the needs of their communities by providing Community Grants to local organizations in the areas of hunger relief & healthy eating, sustainability, women’s economic empowerment, and career opportunity.
Deadline: December 1, 2013
The NEA Foundation
Provides grants to educators in public schools to enhance teaching and learning. This can be used to attend a conference or to purchase resources for the classroom.
Deadline: October 14, 2013
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
The Community Foundation of North Florida and the Knight Foundation will award grants to fund local projects fostering an informed, engaged community.
Deadline: October 16, 2013
Don't Miss Out on the Tutor/Teacher Symposiums this Fall!
Calling all tutors and teachers! Florida's Adult and Family Literacy Resource Center is pleased to offer five regional Tutor/Teacher Symposia this fall. This full day (three session) symposium will focus on providing tutors and teachers with valuable lesson plans and strategies. Participants will walk away with a customized tutor toolkit and other instructional resources. The sessions will be facilitated by Roberta Reiss and Dr. Betsy Stoutmorrill. FLC will offer five sessions around the state.
Check out our webstie for more details, locations and to register.
Southwest Airlines and FLC Want to Help You Raise Funds for Literacy

Southwest Airlines and FLC wish to partner with you to support local literacy programs. Four organizations will receive two (2) round-trip airline tickets each that are good for any Southwest destination.
Submit a one or two page letter on your organization letterhead briefly describing your program, how a donation of tickets will be used to raise funds, and for what purpose. Please include your name, address, telephone number, email address, approximate date of fundraiser, fundraising goal, and a brief statement as to how Southwest Airlines will be recognized as a supporter. Tickets can be used as part of an existing event or as a standalone fundraiser. A committee will select the winners. Feel free to be creative and have fun!
Deadline: September 23, 2013
See Contest Guidelines for more details.
International Literacy Report to be Released in October
On October 8, 2013, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development will release the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Report, the first survey of adult literacy in the United States in nearly a decade.
The goal of PIAAC is to assess and compare the basic skills (including literacy) and the broad range of competencies of adults around the world. The assessment focuses on cognitive and workplace skills needed for successful participation in 21st-century society.
Twenty-four countries and regions participated in this assessment. In the U.S., the study was conducted in 2011-2012 with a representative sample of 5,000 adults between the ages of 16 and 65.
The National Coalition for Literacy will be sponsoring a free pre-release webinar entitled First PIAAC, Then What? on Sept 23.
Save the Date for Conference 2014!
The 2014 Florida Literacy Conference will be held on May 7 – 9, 2014, at the Hilton Daytona Beach. The year marks the 30th anniversary of this premier literacy event which will highlight new trends and best practices in the adult education and literacy. The conference will offer a wide range of sessions presented by local, state and national educators. Sessions promise to be interactive and are sure to help expand your knowledge on a variety of topics related to adult basic education, literacy, ESOL and family literacy. For information on conference rates, registration, and hotel information check out FLC’s Conference website!
Request for Proposals
Want to get more involved in Conference? We are now accepting proposals for workshop presentations and invite you to take this opportunity to share your knowledge and showcase your programs. The deadline is December 16, 2013, so submit your proposal soon!
FLC Launches Textbook Exchange
The Florida Literacy Coalition (FLC) recently launched the Florida Literacy Book Exchange which connects adult education and literacy programs that have used or overstock textbooks with programs that can put these materials to good use.
The idea for this site came out of a session at the Florida Literacy Conference in which several community-based literacy providers expressed how difficult it is for them to afford books for their programs. Several local adult education agencies responded by saying that they had books that were no longer needed which could use a good home. It turned out that these programs weren’t unique, however there wasn’t an easy way for them to make a connection.
Celebrate Health Literacy Month
October is Health Literacy Month and also the launch of the Health Insurance Marketplace, a new tool created under the Affordable Care Act for uninsured people to search plan options and learn about premium subsidies. Several public health organizations have put together webinars and materials to help people navigate this new system.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have been hosting virtual trainings on understanding the basics of the marketplace and the Department of Health and Human Services provides users with educational tools and guides for enrollment.
Still wondering what to do for Health Literacy month?
Check out our list of activities of ways to engage your students.
FLC Launches New GED Website

FLC is pleased to announce the expansion of the GED section on its website. This section has been updated to include general information about the GED test along with specific sections for students, teachers and administrators alike. While much of the site is geared to aspiring adult learners, it also provides detailed information and resources useful for educators.
The site also covers the upcoming changes of the GED test, warnings for test-takers, test day tips, self-study resources, teacher resources, tips for during and after the test, along with an extensive FAQ. FLC has put together an intuitive, easy to navigate site which provides useful information on most things related to the GED.
Perhaps you need clarification on a question relating to the GED test, or maybe you have a student interested in learning more about it. The Florida Literacy GED site is up and running, so go check it out here.
What’s NEW in the Resource Center Clearinghouse
Preparing for Storms in Florida
The Florida Literacy Coalition is pleased to bring you this guide to help you and your family prepare for hurricanes and other weather emergencies. This plain language manual can be used by educators, including adult and family literacy practitioners, to share important safety information while teaching basic skills. It is adapted from a wonderful resource entitled Preparing for Storms in Louisiana developed by the University of New Orleans Center for Hazards Assessment, Response and Technology (UNO-CHART).
Casio Calculator Brochure
This brochure shows the actual size of a Casio fx260 calculator. The brochure expands to display math tips and formulas.

To order these items, and other useful tools and publications, please click here.
Literacy News around the State
Here are updates on your favorite literacy organizations. If you have any updates you would like to share, please send them to Annie Schmidt (schmidta@floridaliteracy.org).
Ann Breidenstein is the new executive director of Learn to Read of St. Johns County.
Margie Kinslow is retiring as the executive director of the Brevard Adult Literacy Volunteers and will be succeeded by Kristen Tinker on October 1.
Steve Chapman has joined READ Polk as its new executive director.
After two decades of service, Robert Breitbard departed his position as Director of Adult & Community Education at Collier County Schools to become the Partnership Innovation Director for Burlington English.
FLC Welcomes New Interns!
The Florida Literacy Coalition is happy to welcome Julianne McDermott and Berin Terzic to our family. Julianne McDermott is a student at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management and plans to graduate with a degree in Event Management. She is a member of the Eta Eta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma where she served as the Philanthropy Chairman to raise money and awareness for Reading Is Fundamental and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. In her free time she enjoys cooking, reading, and going to the movies.
Berin Terzic is a freshman at Rollins College. He moved to the United States when he was six years old from Germany and has lived in Winter Park ever since. He plans to major in International Relations and Political Science. He enjoys playing soccer, tennis, and reading.