Building Employability Skills
This lesson plan was presented in the TCALL newsletter as tried and true activities that work well with ESL students.
Open Educational Resources
OER Commons is a network that collects educational resources, tools for sharing curriculum, and updates on training techniques and practices.
This website gives you the ability to collect resources, organize them easily, and share them. This is a great resource for sharing lesson plans and teaching strategies with tutors.
Opportunity Works
Florida based non-profit that focuses on employing people with disabilities. They can help you if you are working with a student on career pathways and aren’t sure about disability laws.
Florida Trends in Adult Education
Research Allies for Lifelong Learning compiled data on enrollment, attendance, special populations, outcomes and staffing trends across Florida from 2006-2012.
Adult Career Pathways in Correctional Education and Re-entry Programs
July 1, 2013
2:15 pm- 3:15 pm
Adult Career Pathways presents this webcast which shares perspectives and recommendations on developing a career pathways program in correctional education and re-entry settings.
Location: Your computer
Health Insurance Marketplace 101
Every Wednesday in July
1:00 pm- 2:00 pm
A one-hour high-level webinar overview of the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act and a basic introduction to the Marketplace (Exchanges) highlighting who is eligible and how the Marketplace will work.
How to Approach a Foundation
July 17, 2013
3:00 pm- 4:00 pm
The Foundation Center presents this webinar where you can learn how to build relationships with foundation prospects and prepare for calls and meetings with funders.
Location: Your computer
Florida Health Literacy Summit
July 26, 2013
9:00 am- 4:00 pm
Join us for the 2013 Florida Health Literacy Summit. This one-day event will provide a forum for educators, health professionals, and other interested stakeholders to engage in a dialog and share information and resources on how to effectively serve adults and families with low health literacy.
Morgridge International Reading Center,
University of Central Florida,
Orlando, FL
The TJX Foundation
Support will go to programs that provide academic and vocational opportunities for the disadvantaged, including early intervention, mentoring, tutoring, GED and college coursework as well as programs that teach people to speak, read and write English.
Deadline: July 1, 2013
Wells Fargo Corporate Giving
Giving priorities include job training for low to moderate income individuals, financial education, promoting academic achievement for low to moderate income students and advance teaching through professional development and support.
Deadline: August 31, 2013
Florida Humanities Council Mini-Grants for CBOs
Mini grant (up to $2,0000) proposals are typically for small projects such as single events, lectures or panel discussions, reading and discussion groups, film series, and/or on-line resources which may include interpretive brochures, reading lists, audio/video recordings of scholar presentations, and classroom resources.
Deadline: September 3, 2013
Dr. Phillips Charities
The primary focus of Dr. Phillips Charities is to respond to community needs in Orange and Osceola Counties. Areas of interest include; education programs, children and youth services, cultural programs, health or rehabilitative programs and social services.
Deadline: September 13, 2013
Participate in Florida's Inaugural Health Literacy Summit

The Florida Literacy Coalition invites you to join us for the 2013 Florida Health Literacy Summit. This one-day event will provide a forum for adult literacy educators, health educators and professionals, and other interested stakeholders to engage in a dialogue to share information and resources on how to serve adults and families with low health literacy. The day will include a keynote presentation from Andrew Pleasant, Ph.D., and concurrent sessions on a variety of health literacy topics. Registration for the summit is $15.00 (including lunch and parking).
For more information and to register, please visit:
New Publication helps Florida's Adult Literacy Students Prepare for Hurricanes
Hurricane Season in Florida is upon us and will last until November 30. Are your students prepared? The Florida Literacy Coalition has partnered with the University of New Orleans Center for Hazards Assessment, Response and Technology to bring you “Preparing for Storms in Florida.”
This easy to read guide is designed to teach students about hurricanes and other weather emergencies while teaching reading skills. It reviews vocabulary and safety procedures regarding preparation, evacuation, and returning home during a natural disaster. Check lists and handouts are available in the back of the student manual. A supplemental teachers’ guide is available on FLC’s website.
Florida Blue Foundation and FLC Award Health Literacy Grants for Fifth Year

Seventeen Florida adult ESOL and family literacy programs were recently awarded one-year grants of up to $5,000 to support the development of local health literacy programs. Grants were presented at the 2013 Florida Literacy Conference in Captiva, FL.
This initiative, which is now entering its fifth year, combines ESOL instruction and health education in a multi-disciplinary approach that teaches English to adults and families while helping these individuals acquire skills and knowledge to make informed choices regarding their health and nutrition. Since 2009, Florida Blue and the Florida Blue Foundation have contributed $580,000 to support this award winning program which has provided health literacy instruction and services to more than 8,600 participants.
Connect2Compete Provides Free and Low Cost Internet Access for Low Income Families
Although the digital divide is commonly referred to as the struggle between the younger, more tech-savvy generations and the older generations, perhaps those who struggle the most lack access to technology due to limited resources. A major national initiative was recently launched to address this very issue and make Internet access and computer equipment available for those in need.
The national nonprofit organization Connect 2 Compete has partnered with Cox, Bright House, Sprint, Comcast, numerous nonprofit organizations, among others, to give every American a fighting chance so that they may receive high-speed low-cost internet and discounted computers. Connect 2 Compete strives to “Connect every last American to the power of the internet,” so that everyone may cross the digital divide. Nowadays, internet access has become synonymous with opportunity.
FLC Releases 2013 Florida Adult Learner Essay Book: Believing That You Can
The Florida Literacy Coalition is pleased to announce the availability of the seventh annual adult learner essay book Believing That You Can which was unveiled during the 2013 Florida Literacy Conference in Captiva.
Congratulations to the writers, teachers and programs with essays selected for this year’s publication. Special thanks to the editing staff, FLC Adult Learner Committee and the following student authors who read their essays during the Conference. Maria Segura, Mayange Thessy Seymour, Junior Jean-Francois, Noemi Vasquez, Amber Palfalvi, Angel Rios, Lincolnson Paul, Kay Johnson, Lee Stephens, Justin Knopp, Nolan Alford, Jimmy Jean Louis, and Javier Luna.
Believing That You Can is comprised of 301 entries and is available to freely download online at A limited number of hardcopy books are also available for a $5.00 donation. If you would like to order a copy, please contact
This book was made possible through the generous support of the Dollar
General Literacy Foundation.
ESL Lessons and Activities for the Summer
Summer is here! This season is a great time to introduce ESL students to various summertime activities, lessons, and vocabulary. Below are some ideas you can use with your student this season.
Tutor Preparedness
The One Stop English Teacher Survival Kit provides a top ten list of budget items that teachers (or tutors) should carry with them. The article also gives some ideas and example on how to use these aids for effective tutoring.
Independence Day Activities
The 4th of July is an excellent opportunity to teach about American history, celebrations, and the meaning of the holiday. EL Civics provides a 4th of July Lesson Plan with ideas that can be used for groups or individual students. ESL Holiday Lessons has several reading and writing worksheet activities focused on Independence Day. Additional activities can include watching this brief VOA- Celebrating 4th of July in America video and reviewing the meaning of the U.S. Flag.
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Highlights from the 2013 Florida Literacy Conference
A big thank you to everyone that helped to make the 29th Annual Florida Literacy Conference a great success. The event this would not be possible without the support of our dedicated volunteers, innovative presenters, generous sponsors, and engaged attendees. Updates about the location and details for the 2014 Conference will be posted on the FLC Website. We hope to see you again next year!
FLC Bids Farewell!!
The Florida Literacy Coalition bids thanks and farewell to Amanda Terrell and Maribeth Buie. Dr. Buie recently left FLC as our Health Education Coordinator to pursue her nursing certification at the University of Central Florida. Amanda Terrell finished up her internship with FLC at our annual Conference. She will be working in the hospitality industry in Tampa. We wish the best of luck to Maribeth and Amanda!