HIPPO Campus
This site provides a free, core academic multimedia content--videos, animations, and simulations--on a variety of topics. Teachers and students can also create video playlists to share with their class, use for self-study or as part of their instruction.
Knomia hosts over 19,000 video lessons from teachers in all subject areas. You can also add your favorite lesson in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, or Technology.
Time for the U.S. to Reskill? What the Survey of Adult Skills Says
The OECD Report on what the PIAAC findings mean for US Policy for Adult and Continuing Education.
FREE GED® 2014
Practice Test
GED Testing Service ® created a preview for educators to get practice with the content and technology that will part of the new test series.
As a federally funded service, Bookshare’s goal is to increase access to books for people with visual and print disabilities, including certain learning disabilities. They provide access to thousands of books, newspapers, and magazines in an easy to read format. Membership is free to eligible individuals. Organizations have varying membership rates.
Literacy Coaching Beyond the Core
Date: December 18, 2013
Time: All day
Location: Morgridge International Reading Center, 4143 Andromeda Loop, Orlando, FL 32816
Best Practices for Career Pathways and Credentials
Date: January 10, 2014
Time: 11:00-12:30 pm
Location: Your computer
Ideas and Resources to Use with English Language Learners
Date: January 11, 2014
Time: 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Location: Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County, 3651 Quantum Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 3342
Literacy Ambassador Training
Dates: January 24-25, 2014
Time: 10:00-5:30 pm and 8:30-1:30 pm
Location: Buena Vista Suites, 8203 World Center Dr. Orlando, FL 32821
GED®2014 Virtual Series
Dates: January 29, and February 26, 2014
Time: 2:00-3:00 pm
Location: Your computer
PSEG Foundation
The PSEG Foundation invests in programs that support education, the environment, and community and economic development. PSEG’s main focus is in revitalizing urban communities by supporting the efforts of community organizations that are providing entrepreneurial opportunities, creating jobs and/or developing workforces via job skills and life skills training for adults.
Applications open January 2014
The Selby Foundation
The Foundation specializes in supporting area non-profits with Capital Grants. Projects focusing on education, human services, arts and community projects including history, science, and/or the environment will be given top priority. Grants from the Selby Foundation are generally restricted to 501(c) 3 non-profit entities that are located within Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte and DeSoto counties.
Minimum Request: $10,000 Deadline: February 1, 2014
Dollar General Adult and Family Literacy Grants
The Dollar General Literacy Foundation's grant programs help improve the lives of people of all ages in many different communities. Adult Literacy Grants award funding to nonprofit organizations that provide direct service to adults in need of literacy assistance. Family Literacy Grants provide funding to family literacy service providers. The Foundation uses the federal government's definition of family literacy when reviewing grant applications.
Applications will be available in January 2014
Essays Wanted
10th Annual Adult Learner Essay Book
Students throughout Florida are invited to submit original short stories, poems, or autobiographical narratives to be included in a published book that will debut at the 2014 Florida Literacy Conference.
Teachers and tutors have found this publication to be an excellent way to promote writing and critical thinking skills, while getting their students excited about sharing their stories and becoming published authors. Adult education and literacy organizations have used the book as a way to promote how their programs are making a difference where it counts. Each author who is included will be invited to the Florida Literacy Conference Annual Meeting and, along with their programs, will receive a complimentary hard copy of the book.
FLC welcomes essays from current or recent students enrolled in adult basic education, GED, adult literacy or family literacy programs located in Florida. Please limit to one submission per adult learner.
For more information, and to submit an essay, visit www.floridaliteracy.org/essaybookinfo.html.
This year’s essay book is made possible through the generous support of the Florida Department of Education, Division of Career and Adult Education.
Student Literacy Ambassadors: A Great Way to Promote Your Program
Training: January 24-25, Orlando Florida.
We all know that adult learners are often the best spokespeople in communicating how adult education and literacy programs make a difference in people’s lives.
Do you know a successful adult learner who shows potential to be an effective public speaker?
If so, we invite you to nominate this individual to participate in the Florida Literacy Coalition’s upcoming Literacy Ambassador Training on January 24-25, 2014 in Orlando, FL.
The primary goal of the Literacy Ambassador Workshop is to prepare adult learners to become effective advocates and spokespeople for their organizations and adult literacy as a whole.
International Study Shows that U.S. Adults Lag Behind in Basic Skills
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently released the results of the Program International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), comparing the skill levels of adult workers in 24 developed countries.
In this first of its kind study, the U.S. ranked 16th in literacy, 21st in numeracy, and 14th in problem solving using technology. Ranking below the international average in each skill area, one in six American adults were shown to have low literacy skills and nearly one third have weak numeracy skills. U.S. adults who come from socioeconomically-disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to have lower skills than any of the participating countries.
The data clearly indicates that an investment in basic skills education can make a significant difference to the economic well-being of a country. Strong basic skills are often rewarded by better chances of employment and higher wages. In fact, the wage reward for basic skills is higher in the U.S. than almost any other country in the survey.
Save the Date for the 11th Annual Literacy Leadership Institute!
This free professional development opportunity is designed for directors, program managers and board members of non-profit and library based adult and family literacy organizations. Topics will include volunteer recruitment & retention, program evaluation, learning disabilities, social media. This is a good opportunity for individuals interested in growing their organizations while maintaining and enhancing program quality. Travel assistance is available.
Click here for more information!
Date: February 25th & 26th
Location: Mission Inn Resort – Howey-in-the-Hills, FL
Mark your Calendars for the 2014 Florida Literacy Conference!
May 7-9 at the Hilton Daytona Beach
Call For Proposals
Don’t miss your opportunity to share your ideas and promising practices with your fellow adult education, literacy and family literacy practitioners from across the state. Submit a proposal for your conference session today! Click here to submit your proposal.
Hotel Reservations
Hotel reservations at the Hilton Daytona Beach must be made by April 15 in order to qualify for the group rate starting at $115. State and local taxes apply and participants must attend the conference in order to qualify for the group rate. Make your reservation online today!
Florida Literacy Awards
Recognize the achievements of individuals and organizations makeing a difference in adult education and literacy. Submit your nomination by February 14.
Helping your Students Navigate the Health Insurance Marketplace

Millions of low and middle income Floridians will now have the opportunity to purchase subsidized health insurance through the new Health Insurance Marketplace. The Florida Literacy Coalition has partnered with the University of South Florida’s Florida Covering Kids and Families program to provide literacy organizations in Florida with tools to assist your students in understanding their options and navigating the system.
In order to be eligible for insurance through the exchange, an individual must live in the plan’s service area, be a US citizen or a non-citizen that is lawfully present in the US, and cannot be incarcerated. In order to avoid having to pay a penalty, all individuals are required to have health insurance coverage beginning January 1, 2014, with the exception of those who fall at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level or those who are undocumented.
Read more....
10 Tips for Using Social Media
As part of the wrap-up of November and Social Media Month, FLC has brought you 10 tips to help you get started with your social media efforts. Whether if you organization has one account or many, here’s some ways to improve what you’ve already started.
Planning is vital! Although you may know to post blogs between 11 a.m. to 2p.m. on Tuesdays through Thursdays, you might not realize that how beneficial a WordPress calendar can be. Using a calendar allows you to better plan exactly what and when your next blogs will be needed to be written.
Bring in Guest Bloggers. Having guest bloggers write entries for your site not only lightens the load of your normal contributors, it also provides your audience with a different perspective. Probably the most important aspect of guest blogging is that these guests will share their blogs, which will in turn expand your blog’s reach to others not a part of your audience.
Promote your events. Self-promotion is acceptable on social media, and WordPress might be one of the places to elaborate on why a person would want to attend an event you’re hosting. You can add pictures, videos, and links to past events, or even have a guest blogger write about their experience at the event.
Read more on Pinterest and Twitter
Referral Directory Update
The Florida Literacy Coalition is updating its Adult Education and Literacy Provider Directory.
This Directory serves as the referral resource for the Florida Literacy Hotline and provides publicly available information on adult education and literacy programs in the state. Organizations were mailed an update form in October, and responses are needed to maintain accurate directory listings.
If your organization did not receive and update form, please contact Jennifer Calderon, Referral Specialist, at 407-246-7110 x201, or referral@floridaliteracy.org.
Staff Update
AmeriCorps* VISTA member John Sanchez completed his year of service with FLC in November. He plans to pursue a career in the nonprofit sector in New York City. He will be greatly missed in the FLC office and we wish him the best of luck in his journey!
The Florida Literacy Coalition wishes each of you a very special and safe Holiday season!
We look forward to continuing to work with you in 2014!