Literacy Program Quality Self-Study
This study, published by the National Center for Family Literacy
is intended as an assessment guide for family literacy programs
including adult education for parents, early childhood education
for children, a parent information/support group and regular opportunities
for parent and child interaction. This publication also provides
and discusses important criteria for family literacy initiatives
that may be useful in creating this type of literacy program. SBK 001
Our Youngest: A guide for preschool teachers and child care providers
This book, developed by the U.S. Department of Education through
the “No Child Left Behind Initiative,” draws from
scientifically based research about what you can do to help children
to develop their language abilities, increase their knowledge,
become familiar with books and other printed materials, learn
letters and sounds, recognize numbers, and learn to count. Many
examples of strategies you can use for teaching these skills are
included here. Also included are examples of ways to create an
environment for preschoolers that will nurture children's natural
curiosity and their zest for learning. SBK 011
Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) News
Digest Vol. 25.
This News Digest focuses upon two promising interventions for
students with learning disabilities: helping students develop
their use of learning strategies and develop their phonological
awareness. In the first article, Neil Sturomski discusses the
importance of teaching students how to learn--specifically, how
to use learning strategies to become more purposeful, effective,
and independent learners. The second article in this News Digest,
written by William Ellis, focuses upon the important role that
phonological awareness plays in our ability to learn to read.
Your Child Learn Mathematics
This resource is targeted for parents of children in kindergarten
through fifth grade and is useful for increasing familiarity with
basic numeracy skills. This is a great resource for family literacy
programming. It has been revised to include a variety of activities
that will help children learn and apply mathematical concepts
such as geometry, algebra, measurement, statistics, and probability
in a useful and fun way. All of the activities in this book relate
math to everyday life and complement many of the math lessons
that children are learning in school.
Practices: What We Learned as Pilot Programs
In partnership with the National Institute for Literacy's Bridges
to Practice initiative, 22 ProLiteracy-affiliated adult literacy
programs developed practices to better serve adults with learning
disabilities. The practices are organized into four categories:
preparing to serve adults with learning disabilities; assessment;
instructional planning; and teaching/learning. This publication
demonstrates promising programming undertaken by these programs
based on the research-based knowledge of learning disabilities
in adults, as well as on the practical experiences of tutors,
trainers and organizational leaders. This is a wonderful resource
for organizations interested in bolstering and adjusting programming
for adult students with learning disabilities. SBK 004 Out of Stock
Principles for Adult Basic Education Reading Instruction
This resource presents a number of principles for adult literacy
practitioners and programs that have been derived from research
funded by the National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) and the National
Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL).
These principles are the results of a thorough analysis of the
adult basic education (ABE) resource base conducted by the Reading
Research Working Group. Ultimately, their analysis represents
the best information available about how adults learn to read.
It is designed to serve two primary audiences: educators and policy
makers who make decisions about the content of adult basic education
reading instruction and researchers eager to identify new avenues
of study to add to our understanding of this field.
SBK 009
the Classroom to City Hall: a guide to Learner Leadership at the
Local Level
This guide was developed as a planning model to create an adult
learner leadership program that incorporates civic leaders from
the local government. This publication, created by the Volunteers
& Literacy Committee of the Practitioners’ Task Force
On Restructuring & Accountability, was developed as a result
from the successes of the statewide event “From the Classroom
to the Capital” held in March 2003.
SBK 010
Literacy Data and Statistics Reference Guide
This handbook, prepared by the Florida Literacy Coalition, presents
pertinent literacy data gleaned from a wide variety of studies
within Florida and around the country. This information is intended
to provide readers with a solid reference base with literacy statistics
and illustrate correlations between literacy achievement and an
array of social service and economic issues. Out of Stock
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