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Free Resources Available to Order
for Florida Educators
Florida’s Adult and Family Literacy Resource Center
Information Clearinghouse
An Initiative of the Florida Literacy Coalition
Bilingual Clip Sheets
Order Form

“50 Ways to Help Fight Illiteracy”
This poster is available in both English and Spanish and lists a variety of ways to assist literacy effort. It also features a listing for the Florida Literacy Hotline.
English POS002 Spanish POS003

“Family of Bears”
This poster promotes family literacy by emphasizing the role that families play as educators. It states: “Families that Read Together Learn Together.” The bottom of the poster features the Florida Literacy Hotline. The design of this poster mirrors the layout of our family literacy bookmark. Size: 24” x 30”
see enlargement
“Share the Joy of Reading”
Featuring artwork by Sharon Wilson, this poster features a man reading to a young child. This image, bordered with a burgundy frame, promotes the recruitment of volunteers for adult and family literacy programs and prominently includes the Florida Literacy Hotline. Size: 24” x 36” POS 005
see enlargement
“Teach the World to Read”
This colorful poster features an open book highlighting a popup cityscape. It promotes our hotline as a source for potential literacy volunteers and measures 24” x 12”.
see enlargement

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“It’s Never Too Late to Learn”
This colorful flyer encourages potential literacy students to call the Florida Literacy Hotline to discover more about free classes and tutoring programs. It also features the Coalition’s website address and several images of adult learner settings. 8.5" x 11" FLY001 11 x 14 FLY002
Spanish FLY003
see enlargement
“50 Ways to Recognize a Volunteer”
This flyer lists a variety of ways to acknowledge the effort and commitment that volunteers make to literacy programs from simply saying “thank you” to creating volunteer awards. FLY004
“The Value of Volunteers”
This flyer illustrates the impact that volunteer efforts have in their community by listing the volume of volunteers in the United States and the value of their commitments. This flyer is a valuable reminder of the incredible impact volunteers have on their community. FLY005
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Bilingual Clip Sheets 

The BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center has developed a number of clipsheets featuring important informational topics for recent immigrants and adult learners. These sheets are available in English and Spanish and are written for low-level readers. Sheets in the following topics are available:

  • Careers—includes a clip sheet featuring information on each of the following career paths: auto mechanics, bilingual careers, construction work, computer work, daycare providers, nursing, and teaching, among several other job niches.
  • Job Search—includes a clipsheet featuring information on the steps necessary to find a job from getting references to keeping a job. Kit contains a total of 11 clip sheets on job search topics.
  • Health—includes information on basic health practices and preventions from a breast self-examination to the effects of pesticides on people. Kit contains a total of 15 clip sheets on living a healthy life.
  • Survival Skills—provides clip sheet with great information for recent immigrants on information like looking for housing, Social Security and driving responsibly in the United States. Kit contains a total of 8 clip sheets on important survival skills for people new to the United States.
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“Florida’s Adult Literacy Resource Centers: Supporting Literacy Throughout the State”
This brochure features a compact rundown on the locations of each resource center, their goals, the services that they provide along with a description of the mission and aims of Florida’s State Adult Literacy Resource Center. This brochure provides a geographical breakdown of service areas and insight into the inner workings of Florida’s literacy service network. BRC 001

“Florida Literacy Coalition: Florida’s Adult Literacy Resource Center”
This publication provides a short, but thorough synopsis on the services and programs that the Florida Literacy Coalition operates from training and technical assistance to the State Hotline. This brochure also includes a brief history of the organization. BCR002

“Family Literacy”
This brochure, published by the Florida Literacy Coalition, offers pointers to parents to encourage their children’s intellectual growth and emphasizes that learning begins at home. Included in this brochure are tips on reading to your child along with the key components of family literacy programs. The brochure also contains a form that interested parties can mail in to the Florida Literacy Coalition for more information on family literacy materials and programming in Florida. This brochure is available in English BRC 003 and Spanish BRC 004.

“Looking for Literacy? LINCS”
This brochure provides an introduction to the services that LINCS, a service of the National Institute for Literacy, provides throughout the country via the internet. This brochure gives a rundown of all the programs and services they offer, such as discussion lists and America’s Literacy Directory, which includes listings of literacy programs across the country. BRC 005
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“Celebrating Volunteers in Literacy”
This bookmark feature Hagar the Horrible and promotes the Florida Literacy Hotline as a resource for literacy volunteers throughout Florida. BKM 001
see enlargement
“Hotline Bookmark”
Our hotline bookmark prominently features the Florida Literacy Hotline along with the FLC logo and highlights our statewide listings for free or low-cost classes and tutoring in reading, writing, math, English Language, GED Preparation and Family Literacy.
see enlargement
“Family of Bears”
This bookmark promotes family literacy by emphasizing the role that families play as educators. It states: “Families that Read Together Learn Together.” The reverse of the bookmark features the Florida Literacy Hotline and lists key components of Family Literacy. The layout of this bookmark mirrors the design of our family literacy poster. BKM 003
see enlargement

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Family Literacy Program Quality Self-Study
This study, published by the National Center for Family Literacy is intended as an assessment guide for family literacy programs including adult education for parents, early childhood education for children, a parent information/support group and regular opportunities for parent and child interaction. This publication also provides and discusses important criteria for family literacy initiatives that may be useful in creating this type of literacy program. SBK 001

Teaching Our Youngest: A guide for preschool teachers and child care providers
This book, developed by the U.S. Department of Education through the “No Child Left Behind Initiative,” draws from scientifically based research about what you can do to help children to develop their language abilities, increase their knowledge, become familiar with books and other printed materials, learn letters and sounds, recognize numbers, and learn to count. Many examples of strategies you can use for teaching these skills are included here. Also included are examples of ways to create an environment for preschoolers that will nurture children's natural curiosity and their zest for learning. SBK 011

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) News Digest Vol. 25.
This News Digest focuses upon two promising interventions for students with learning disabilities: helping students develop their use of learning strategies and develop their phonological awareness. In the first article, Neil Sturomski discusses the importance of teaching students how to learn--specifically, how to use learning strategies to become more purposeful, effective, and independent learners. The second article in this News Digest, written by William Ellis, focuses upon the important role that phonological awareness plays in our ability to learn to read. SPK003

Helping Your Child Learn Mathematics
This resource is targeted for parents of children in kindergarten through fifth grade and is useful for increasing familiarity with basic numeracy skills. This is a great resource for family literacy programming. It has been revised to include a variety of activities that will help children learn and apply mathematical concepts such as geometry, algebra, measurement, statistics, and probability in a useful and fun way. All of the activities in this book relate math to everyday life and complement many of the math lessons that children are learning in school.

Promising Practices: What We Learned as Pilot Programs
In partnership with the National Institute for Literacy's Bridges to Practice initiative, 22 ProLiteracy-affiliated adult literacy programs developed practices to better serve adults with learning disabilities. The practices are organized into four categories: preparing to serve adults with learning disabilities; assessment; instructional planning; and teaching/learning. This publication demonstrates promising programming undertaken by these programs based on the research-based knowledge of learning disabilities in adults, as well as on the practical experiences of tutors, trainers and organizational leaders. This is a wonderful resource for organizations interested in bolstering and adjusting programming for adult students with learning disabilities. SBK 004 Out of Stock

Research-Based Principles for Adult Basic Education Reading Instruction
This resource presents a number of principles for adult literacy practitioners and programs that have been derived from research funded by the National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) and the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL). These principles are the results of a thorough analysis of the adult basic education (ABE) resource base conducted by the Reading Research Working Group. Ultimately, their analysis represents the best information available about how adults learn to read. It is designed to serve two primary audiences: educators and policy makers who make decisions about the content of adult basic education reading instruction and researchers eager to identify new avenues of study to add to our understanding of this field.
SBK 009

From the Classroom to City Hall: a guide to Learner Leadership at the Local Level
This guide was developed as a planning model to create an adult learner leadership program that incorporates civic leaders from the local government. This publication, created by the Volunteers & Literacy Committee of the Practitioners’ Task Force On Restructuring & Accountability, was developed as a result from the successes of the statewide event “From the Classroom to the Capital” held in March 2003.
SBK 010

Florida Literacy Data and Statistics Reference Guide
This handbook, prepared by the Florida Literacy Coalition, presents pertinent literacy data gleaned from a wide variety of studies within Florida and around the country. This information is intended to provide readers with a solid reference base with literacy statistics and illustrate correlations between literacy achievement and an array of social service and economic issues. Out of Stock

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Adult and Family Literacy: Preparing Florida for the Future
This publication, prepared by the Florida Literacy Coalition, provides an overview of the role that literacy efforts and programs play throughout Florida, concentrating on areas of need as well as the variety of programs and organizations that have been established to aid literacy efforts. The booklet describes the effect of literacy on families, health, the workplace, crime rates and communities and includes a number of ways to participate in the effort to increase literacy rates in Florida.

“Literacy News”
This newsletter is created and published by the State Literacy Resource Center hosted by the Florida Literacy Coalition. It provides information and resources on a wide range of adult education and literacy topics.
MSC 003

Reading Takes You Places! A guide for grown-ups and kids
This publication was developed by Reading Is Fundamental and contains information aimed toward parents and family literacy efforts, emphasizing the importance of reading aloud and encouraging reading within the home. The booklet also provides pointers on identifying learning disabilities and includes some excellent online resource listings. SBK015

Keep Your Food Safe
This booklet was created by the FDA for people with low reading skills. It is available in both English and Spanish. This brochure shows how to buy safe food and how to keep it safe in the home. It also features information about the dangers of food poisoning.

Protecting Your Child Against Serious Diseases: Making Sure Kids Get All Their 'Shots'
The importance of childhood vaccinations is the emphasis of this booklet, which was developed by the FDA for low-level readers. The types of vaccines available, what they protect against, how they are given, the ages to get them and possible side effects are described in some detail. This resource is available in English and Spanish.

Quick Information-Diabetes
Diabetes is a serious disease that should not be ignored. Comparisons between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, daily monitoring and careful control of blood sugar levels, weight control, and exercise are covered in this highly informative booklet, which was developed by the FDA for low-level readers. This resource is available in English and Spanish.

Use Medicine Safely
Medicines can help, but they can be harmful if not taken properly. This booklet covers drug facts labels, the importance of talking about prescriptions with doctors and pharmacists and the questions to ask, what to avoid when taking certain medication and safety tips and is targeted to low-level readers.

Eating for a Healthy Heart
Heart disease is the No.1 cause of death in America. Choosing foods carefully, with emphasis on eating less fat and sodium, fewer calories and more fiber; diet tips; and how food labels can help in making healthy choices are some of what's covered. This resource is available in English and Spanish and is written for low-level readers.
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NIFL’s LINCS to Literacy: an interactive tutorial for finding Adult Education and Family Literacy Resources
This CD provides training for the LINCS (Literacy Information and Communications System) online information and communications network for adult and family literacy. It was created in order to help users learn the many features of the LINCS system, and provides a thirty-minute presentation, or allows the user to control an interactive tour of the system. Two versions are available on one CD, one for Windows users, and one for Mac users. CD006

Listening Review for ESOL
This listening lab, created by Irene Vetter through the Pinellas County School System, is an excellent learning tool for ESOL students. It is geared towards improving CASAS skills. It is available on CD and is accompanied with a teaching guide and answer key. Seasonal SBK 062
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Referral Pads
These notepads, written in both Spanish and English, contain approximately 30 detachable sheets featuring the services of the Florida Literacy Hotline as a reference for potential students along with the State Literacy Resource Center’s website. EnglishMIS001 SpanishMIS002
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Florida’s Adult and Family Literacy Resource Center is hosted by the Florida Literacy Coalition.
Our thanks to the Florida Department of Education, Division of Community Colleges and
Workforce Education for generously supporting the programs of the Center.

Florida Literacy Coalition, Inc. Florida's Adult and Family Literacy Resource Center
934 N. Magnolia Ave.  Suite 104 Orlando, FL 32803 • (407) 246-7110 • Hotline: 1-800-237-5113