Tools for Building Employer- Educator Partnerships:
This new website, "Tools for Building Employer-Educator Partnerships" is aimed at promoting the benefits of workforce education and is in response to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act. The site uses a combination of success stories, best practices, and evidence-based tools to demonstrate the value of relationships between educators and employers in the workforce.
Asking the right questions is vital when visiting the doctor. This simple device provides a starting point for asking questions and helping students think through different scenarios.
This talking calculator app speaks numbers in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Dutch. Basic arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, supported by speech
National non-profit working to eliminate the digital divide by making affordable Internet, low-cost computers, and free digital literacy courses available to all unconnected U.S. residents. Resources offered include discounted internet service ($9.95/month), refurbished tablets and laptops for under $200, and free basic digital literacy training across the U.S. To take advantage of these resources, visit or call 1-855-EVRY1ON.
Ereading Worksheets
This website uses a skill focused approach where each activity targets a specific set of skills. The resources on this website cover a broad range of reading, writing, and language arts skills and everything is ad supported and completely free of cost.
BJ's Charitable Foundation
This foundation contributes the bulk of its funding to organizations that provide services to people in need. Support is given to non-profits that provide academic and vocational opportunities for the disadvantaged, among other areas.
Deadlines: April 10 and July 10, 2015
The PNC Foundation
The PNC Foundation supports a variety of nonprofit organizations with a special emphasis on those that work to achieve sustainability and touch a diverse population, in particular, those that support early childhood education and/or economic development. Applications are accepted all year long.
Wish You Well Foundation
The Wish You Well Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization with the mission of supporting family literacy in the United States by fostering and promoting the development and expansion of new and existing literacy and educational programs. Applications are reviewed quarterly.
Don't Miss the 31st Florida Literacy Conference! April 29th-May 1st, Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando Florida

Hotel and Registration:
Make your hotel reservation online today!
Don't delay, hotel cut off is April 6th!
Registration for both attendees and exhibitors is still open!
Click here to register as an attendee.
Adult Learner Day
April 29, 2015
9:00 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Adult Learners Attend for FREE!
Join adult learners from throughout the state of Florida for a day of Workshops and Activities. Session include:
"The Adult Learner Experience", "Pathways to Employment and Career Success", and "Money and YOU: Building Financial Security for You and Your Family". Click here to learn more.
Closing Session Speaker Announced
Katie Garner
Katie Garner is a nationally recognized speaker, author, and educational consultant, whose practical applications of research on reading and the brain has gained national recognition with both the No Child Left Behind and the Reading First Initiatives. Katie provides educators with innovative, yet practical classroom applications for aligning "existing" reading curriculum and instruction with the cutting-edge research models showing how our brains actually learn best!
Silent Auction
We are looking forward to another spectacular silent auction at this years conference. Join us on April 29th and bid on great item such as Walt Disney World Tickets, Universal Studios Tickets, Coach Merchandise, Tampa Bay Rays Tickets, and much more!
The FLC would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support of the upcoming Florida Literacy Conference. Click here for a full list of sponsors.
For information about the conference, please visit our website.
Making Skills Everyone's Business - New Report Call for Transformation in Adult Education
The US Department of Education recently released Making Skills Everyone's Business: A Call to Transforming Adult Learning in the United States. This report presents a vision for making adult skill development more prevalent, effective, and convenient. It discusses how low skills limit opportunity, most especially among the often forgotten adults with poor literacy and foundation skill. Thirty six million Americans have low literacy skills, nearly 24 million of whom are part of the workforce.
Meaningful Work Supports Students to Achieve their Goals
Who would have thought that a large plot of rocky, weedy land would represent anything other than a chore and a nightmare for a depressed and unemployed teenager? It turns out that for Elyse Hardy, the work she did on this plot of land, the opportunities it gave her to solve problems, join with others to meet real needs in the community, and develop relationships across diverse networks prepared her for the working world.
Not only that, the work she did in the garden acted as an antidote to depression. With the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) signed into law, and given its focus on aligning adult education with workforce readiness, her story holds important lessons.
Study Shows that Adult Basic Skills Programs Increase Long-term Educational and Economic Outcomes for Students
A recently released study commissioned by the US Department of Education, Office of Career Technical and Adult Education (OCTAE) indicates that sustained participation in Adult Basic Skills (ABS) programs often has a positive long term impact on adult learners.
The Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning (LSAS), headed by Dr. Stephen Reder of Portland State University, tracked nearly 1,000 high school drop outs over nine years. The research indicates that individuals who participate in ABS programs tend to have higher future earnings as a result of participating, and their income premiums are larger with more intensive participation.
Florida Literacy Health Summit Promotes Interagency Sharing
On March 27, 2015, FLC held its second Florida Health Literacy Summit at Nemours Children's Hospital, Orlando. Well attended by over 115 professionals from the fields of literacy, medicine, social work, and public health, this one-day event provided a forum to engage in a dialog and share information and resources on how to effectively serve adults and families with low health literacy.
With sessions from Cynthia Baur, Senior Health Literacy Advisor at the CDC, the Florida Nurses Association, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, and the Moffitt Cancer Center, the day covered everything from what is new in the emerging field of health literacy to practical methods and innovative practices for assessing health communications. Our thanks to Summit sponsors Allegany Franciscan Ministries and Nemours Children's Hospital and the nineteen summit partners that made the event possible. If you missed it this year, check out the Summit webpage here
Free Tax Preparation through VITA Program
It's that time of year again - tax season! With April 15th fast approaching, we wanted to share with you a great resource for anyone who struggles with financial literacy and the challenging task of preparing tax returns. VITA (the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) is a federal program that has been providing free tax assistance services for over 40 years. The program is available to working families who made less than $53,000 in 2014, as well as persons with disabilities, veterans, the elderly and limited English speaking taxpayers, who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. To take advantage of the free VITA services, individuals are encouraged to call 2-1-1 NOW or visit to find the closest VITA Tax Site. 211 provides assistance in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French and Haitian-Creole.