Ways to Promote Literacy During Adult and Family Literacy Month.
- Organize a special event to take place
in your school and invite key people from government, business,
education, and media to attend and participate. Ask an adult
learner involved in a literacy program to give a testimonial.
- Have older students make books of their
own to be shared with younger students at their school on
International Literacy Day.
- Conduct a read-a-thon where individuals
get sponsors to raise money for a community literacy program
by reading.
- Invite a publisher to your classroom to
discuss how books are developed.
- Approach a local bookstore about donating
books for disadvantaged children, or to use as school prizes
for reading awards.
- Establish a book discussion group with
adult learners.
- Ask a manufacturer in your region to help
heighten awareness about a reading or literacy topic. A supermarket
might agree to print a literacy message on its shopping bags.
- Organize an essay contest about “A Book
That Changed My Life.”
- Sponsor a book collecting drive. Give books
to nursing homes, schools, and adult learner centers.
- Sponsor a book reading with local authors
reading their favorite book.
- Ask your governor to get literacy on the
National Governor’s Association’s agenda.
- Invite key officials to sit in on a class
at your community’s literacy center on Sept. 8.
- Make Sept. 8 a Swap-a-Book day at your
adult learner center. Have your students swap a book with
another student and explain why they liked it.
- Take learners to the library to get library
- Recognize community literacy centers in
a press release or at an event.
- Compile a calendar of book reading events.
Distribute them throughout your community and schools.
- Publicize and distribute a recommended
list of books for beginner readers.
- Sponsor a child or adult in a reading program.
- Invite students, parents, or guests who
have lived in other parts of the world to read a story from
or to talk about literacy issues in those countries.
- Form links with a school or educational
group in another country and have letter-writing campaigns,
book collections, and other activities that generate media
and public interest in your school or group’s activities
as well as interest in literacy issues in other parts of the
- Invite city council members, the mayor,
or other public officials to visit and observe classes.
- Identify opportunities for adult learners
to volunteer in children's tutoring or mentoring programs.
- Publish a book or e-book of learner writings
and have a party to celebrate.
- Announce a new partnership with another
community organization.
- Hand-deliver a list of student accomplishments
to politicians, community leaders, and the media, with a cover
note from the learners.
- Take a field trip to a local literary landmark.
- Publicize and distribute lists of recommended
books for readers of all ages.
- Give awards for reading achievement.
- Compile a calendar of community book and
reading events.
- Sponsor a book fair