Training the Trainer What are the components of effective training? What resources are available to assist in the development or enhancement of your training program? Consult nationally recognized guidelines on designing, implementing and evaluating tutor training workshops. Certification Good training starts with good trainers. Building a competent team requires quality training for those trainers. ProLiteracy Worldwide, currently offers Trainer Certification. For information on the ProLiteracy Certification System, browse through or download the following resources.
America - Trainer Certification System ProLiteracy America Answers Frequently Asked Questions about LLA and LVA Laubach Literacy Action (LLA) had a system for certifying trainers. Will ProLiteracy America continue to offer this? If so, will I have to become certified if I am a Literacy Volunteers of America (LVA) trainer? “For now, ProLiteracy America will continue to offer the trainer certification system developed by LLA. However, we will be developing a new trainer credentialing system for ProLiteracy America. We expect to be able to provide you with more information about the planning for the new system in the fall of 2003, although it will probably not go into effect until 2005. Until then, LLA-certified trainers may identify themselves as ProLiteracy America trainers. LVA trainers certified by the local program may want to examine the trainer certification requirements to determine if the process that they followed to become certified meets the intent of the requirements. A waiver may be an appropriate step for an LVA trainer to consider. National trainer certification remains optional.” Certification as a ProLiteracy America trainer requires attendance at a train-the-trainer workshop. Both the Training of Trainers (LVA) and the Trainer Workshop: Basic Training Skills (LLA) are acceptable. What are the similarities and differences? Both workshops cover similar content:
The differences include the following:
Some general impressions from trainers who have participated in both workshops follow:
Our program is not able to access some kinds of training locally. What are ProLiteracy America’s plans for online training? We currently provide online training in two ways:
Comparison of LLA and LVA Tutor Trainer Certification Laubach Literacy Action Literacy Volunteers
of America, Inc. Potential tutor trainers are evaluated according
to national guidelines for management of the workshop, knowledge
of content, methods of presentation, group interaction, and delivery.
Tutor trainers are supervised and evaluated by a system determined
by the local organization. Please see Promising Practices for further information on impacts of the merger on tutor training. For further information, please contact Kaye Beall (kbeall@proliteracy.org), ProLiteracy America’s Training Coordinator. Other Resources
Miami-Dade Public Library has a new program called Project L.E.A.D. which empowers English-speaking adults to succeed with confidential one on one tutoring. Tutors volunteering with Project L.E.A.D. must complete a Basic Tutor Workshop or be certified as a ProLiteracy Worldwide, Laubach Literacy Tutor. For other training resources, please review the Training Links. Standards ProLiteracy America has published Guidelines for Effective Training to serve as a resource for program managers and trainers who are reviewing tutor training systems and designing pre-service and in-service trainings. For an in-depth comparison of training standards and guidelines of recently-merged Laubach Literacy Action and Literacy Volunteers of America, please see "Crosswalk on LLA and LVA Training." The National Institute for Literacy’s Special Collections features an article entitled “A Performance Standard for Teaching and Learning with the Equipped for the Future (EFF) Content Standards”. The National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy publishes “How Are We Doing? An Inquiry Guide for Adult Education Programs” to assist local adult education programs through a systematic exploration of program performance. For other resources on program standards and accountability, please refer to Training Links. |
.Florida Literacy Coalition Florida Literacy Hotline |