Digital literacy has become increasingly popular amongst people who focus on adult literacy because of its necessity in our society. In my previous post, I talked about the importance of social media because more and more people are tuning into that market. In addition to the world of social media, everyday more and more things are becoming technology based. If you were to look for a job, you no longer search for a print newspaper (today, this could mean an actual search) or go to your local college’s bulletin board for listings. You would look on monster, career builder, idealist, craigslist, and a variety of other on-line sources to see what is available. Then, if you wanted to contact an agency, you would need some knowledge of Microsoft word to create a resume and knowledge of email to send it as an attachment to the proper recipient. For an adult learner, basic technology goes hand-in-hand with societal integration.
Florida TechNet provides digital literacy resources for Adult Education centers throughout the state. On their website you will be able to find resources, publications, training guides, a moodle course, web based training and much more to help you (the tutor or trainer) in this endeavor. The website is easy to use and they will help you through every step of the way. So even if you don’t feel that confident in your technological skills, they will help you with lesson plans. You’ll find that you have more to offer than you think. This week, our guest blogger will be Debra Hargrove, project director for Florida TechNet. Be sure to check back in to learn about her insights on how technology has become our lives. Have you ever been unplugged?