Florida’s First Lady kicks off 2012 Summer Literacy Adventure
The Literacy Adventure challenges children to read as many books as possible over summer vacation. Mrs. Scott encouraged the children to make it fun and share their reading with friends and family.
Adult Spelling Bee raises funds for Marion County Literacy Council
The Eighth, and final, annual Adult Spelling for Marion County Literacy Coalition had 125 attendees and raised over $10,000 for the Literacy Coalition.
Leave No Young Adult Behind
The Associated Press recently reported that half of those under 25 years of age with a bachelor’s degree — or 1.5 million people — are jobless or underemployed. But things are even worse for the 6.7 million young people who neither have a college degree nor a job — so-called “disconnected youth.”
Florida State College- Jacksonville Students Forced to Repay Pell Grants After Audit
Students at Florida State College in Jacksonville, Fla. may be forced to repay Pell Grants after the institution erroneously doled out at $2.8 million in financial aid, college administrators announced Tuesday during a news conference.