Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal to present at the 2013 Florida Literacy Conference. I was extremely impressed by the number of proposals that we received, and their overall quality. After reading each submission, I was inspired by the dedication and thought that went into each and every proposal. I am confident that Conference attendees will have an opportunity to learn from some very knowledgeable and devoted practitioners at this year’s event. Conference participants will have the opportunity to attend sessions within the following 14 tracks:
Adult Learner
Corrections Literacy
Family Literacy
Financial Literacy
Health Literacy
Learning Disabilities
Library Literacy
Program Management
Volunteers in Literacy
Workforce Education
Adult Basic Education, GED, and Adult High School
For those of you that have been eagerly awaiting the announcement of the sessions for this year’s Conference, a preliminary list can be found here. More information about the specific and dates and times of the sessions will be available at the beginning of March. See you in Captiva!