Author: Florida Literacy Coalition

1.  Start a class by reviewing challenging vocabulary or vocabulary necessary for the task/discussion.  More advanced participants can improve their pronunciation while beginners expand their vocabularies. 2.  The facilitator should circulate through the room when pairs/groups are working on a task.  Offer encouragement, be available Read more…

Numbers, numbers, numbers.  Just like words, they’re everywhere in the information we read.  Numbers are used to quantify something, to interpret a message in order to take action.  I often come across numbers and marvel at how unruly, complex, and Read more…

Health literacy is a nebulous concept. It relates to a variety of challenges that exist in the health care system and solutions that are ever evolving. Since Health Literacy Missouri opened for business in December 2009, we’ve continually refined how Read more…

Writing Challenges When given a writing assignment, one of the first questions struggling writers often ask is “How long does it have to be?”   Focusing on length instead of content can be an indicator that adult learner are struggling to Read more…

When you think October, you think candy, costumes and revelry. However, October is also Health Literacy month – an interesting pairing to say the least. The best thing about Halloween is all of the walking and running and laughing – Read more…

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