Author: Florida Literacy Coalition

The Florida Literacy Conference is celebrating THIRTY years this May. Can you believe it? The Conference pre-dates the Coalition, which only emphasizes the importance of providing quality professional development for the leaders in literacy and those working in the trenches Read more…

Last Tuesday the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released the results of the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), comparing the skill levels of adult workers in 24 developed countries. According to the study, the U.S. ranked 16th Read more…

The Affordable Care Act has created an opportunity for millions of people who were previously uninsured to receive health insurance at an affordable rate. Many of these people have never had insurance before, or had parents who received insurance through Read more…

FLC has officially launched the Florida Literacy Book Exchange which connects adult education and literacy programs that have used or overstock textbooks with programs that can put these materials to good use. Now, programs in need of textbooks can browse Read more…

The first results from the PIAAC survey is 466 pages, so no one expected you to read it overnight. Luckily several people in the field of education and economic development have done some of the reading for us and compiled Read more…

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