Category: Health Literacy

Florida Blue and the Florida Literacy Coalition are pleased to continue the Florida Health Literacy Initiative, providing grants up to $5,000 to support health literacy in adult ESOL and family literacy programs. Low health literacy costs between $106 to $236 billion a year Read more…

Patient communication is a huge part of health literacy. While the doctor has a significant responsibility to make sure things are communicated effectively regarding procedures and impediments to a patient’s health, patients also have a responsibility to talk to their Read more…

The Affordable Care Act has created an opportunity for millions of people who were previously uninsured to receive health insurance at an affordable rate. Many of these people have never had insurance before, or had parents who received insurance through Read more…

A recent study shows that 40% of Americans do not know that the Affordable Care Act is a law. As community-based organizations and schools working with those who are affected the most by these monumental changes to our health system, Read more…

With the Health Insurance Marketplace opening in October, several public health organizations are putting together materials that will help people navigate the system. If you haven’t already done so, watch a webinar from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. Read more…

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