What’s the difference between revising and editing a piece of writing? Many people, including tutors and professionals, confuse the two. Revising is the process of expanding and clarifying what is written and should be done before the piece is edited. Read more…
Tag: lesson plans
Marilyn McMullan, ABE/GED Teacher, Broward County Schools As we continue to build career awareness and lead students toward their objective of excellent English skills, a high school diploma, a GED, and/or a technical center certificate/degree, we need to make sure Read more…
The Fourth of July is a great opportunity to incorporate civics into your lesson if your student is looking to get citizenship or just for a fun refresher if they are not. Here are some ideas for things you can Read more…
Many students are not comfortable when it comes to writing, but it is an essential skill that I feel is getting worse. As teachers, we need to turn that around and help our students build a stronger foundation to writing, Read more…
Thanks to Hopelink Adult Education and LVA-Illinois If a student has difficulty remembering how to spell words, using a kinesthetic (touch and movement) approach can help in the retention of spelling new words. Materials A list of words that your Read more…