Successful Studying for a Standardized Test: GED Edition

First, congratulations on your decision to take the GED. It can be a lengthy process to get to this point, but you did it! Your next step is making sure you are on the path to success. Although you can retake the test and even sections of the test, I’m sure you want to get this done for the most part in one step. There are several websites that will help you study for the test and will even provide practice tests. Here are some things you can do to make your studying successful.

1. Budget your time

You aren’t going to pass this test simply with good wishes/prayers. You have to put in the time and energy to get this accomplished. Make a schedule of your day. Include work, class, and any other commitments you have. Be sure to include drain time. Do you spend a couple hours watching TV or surfing the internet? Find places to fit studying in your schedule and find ways to incorporate it in your life. Practice vocabulary words at work. Turn history into a game to play with your family. There are many ways you can prevent studying from being a chore.

2. Get rid of obvious distractions

So you plan to study. You sit down in your kitchen with your books, notebooks, and writing utensils. Then, you get a text message. After that, you start hearing the TV in the other room. Next, your child needs you for whatever reason that could not wait. It’s easy to lose focus, especially if you might be looking for a distraction. Put yourself in a secluded area with only the materials you need. Prepare for the fact you’re going to get thirsty, hungry and you will have to go to the bathroom. If you are in a public place, here are some polite ways to ask people to be quiet.

3. Take care of yourself

Diet and exercise is very important in life, but especially when you are preparing for taking an important test. Regularly exercising and eating well will get you thinking clearer and feeling positive.

4. Squash negative voices

There will always be people trying to pull you down. Maybe these people contributed to you not completing high school. Maybe they are still in your life. Ignore them. Write down rebuttals so you don’t psyche yourself out. Remind yourself that you have been preparing for this and you will succeed at it, just like you have succeeded at other things in life. You deserve to achieve your goals and you can achieve your goals.

5. Prepare for the test!

That’s the point, right? Familiarize yourself with test procedures. Know the format of the test so there aren’t any surprises. Answer multiple choice questions before reading the answers. If you can’t answer it without the answers, get rid of the answers that you know are wrong. If the question is confusing, try finding a way to say it in your own words. Take practice tests online to get yourself used to what you’re working with.

Most importantly, remember Thomas Edison’s quote, “Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.” You are equipped with the tools to pass this test. Don’t forget to believe in yourself!

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