Illiteracy and the Brain

In everyday life, reading seems to take part in one way or another, but just how much impact does reading have on a person? The answer is quite a bit. Reading allows a person to develop fully in more ways than one. To understand the true impact of literacy in our lives we have to look at some of what reading does in our development.

Newer studies seem to suggest that reading impacts the life of a person in ways that you cannot see. For example, reading helps in the increase of connections between the different portions of the brains. As a person reads the book, the left hemisphere of the brain comprehends the words, while the frontal lobe reasons through it. It allows for smoother processing within the brain and fluidity when faced with decisions on a day to day basis. It has also been shown that reading has an impact on motor skills. Motor skills are developed throughout life, but along with reading it may be easier to enhance them.

Reading is helpful in a variety of ways from physical to mental health, but it makes it so much more important to note that many in the world do not have the ability to read (about 26% according to UNESCO). The impact of being able to read is much greater than would be perceived initially. It may be repeated frequently that much of the world’s population does not have the ability to read, but realize that illiteracy is the root to many other problems that could be solved simply by learning to read.

Reading boosts brain pathways, affects multiple disciplines

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