Author: Florida Literacy Coalition

Donna Johnston is an Americorps* VISTA with the Family Literacy Academy of Immokalee. Learn about her process to develop a computer lab for her community.  What is digital literacy? A good question, especially since the trend seems to be to Read more…

[youtube]   Strong emphasis on digital literacy and career readiness.

Choosing a career and related credentialing program can be an intimidating and overwhelming process for learners.   While most of Florida’s public sector adult education providers have made real strides in integrating career pathways into their programs, volunteers remain a largely Read more…

George Stone Adult Education Programs celebrated Adult and Family Literacy Month on Thursday, September 13, 2012.  The celebration began with Susan Winters, Adult Education Coordinator, reading Governor Scott’s proclamation which stresses the need for highly literate citizens and the importance Read more…

It is becoming increasingly harder for those who do not possess technology skills to excel in society.  If you need to pay bills, apply for a job, search for financial aid, or find information, you are at a real disadvantage Read more…

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