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Florida Literacy CoalitionFlorida Literacy CoalitionFlorida Literacy Coalition



Literacy Resources



Relevant Sites

LiteracyLink: Workplace Essential Skills
LiteracyLink's goal is to provide a link for underserved and hard-to-reach adults and their teachers to quality adult basic education and GED preparation tools using technology. Combining video, the Internet, and print materials, LiteracyLink programs are relevant to the needs of the individual learner, adult instructional programs and the workforce.

O*NET is a unique, powerful source for continually updated occupational information and labor market research.
This site identifies factors that enhance or inhibit businesses from tapping into a pool of potential employees and serves as a gateway to information, resources, and services regarding the employment of people with disabilities.

Program Manager's Toolkit
Promising Practices
Starting A Program
Starting a Library Based Program
Program Management
Reading Instructions/Research
Family Literacy
Health Literacy
Learning Disabilities
ESL Online Publication
International Resources
Financial Literacy
Career Pathways
Online Tutor Training

Center on Education and Work
The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW) is an independent, nonprofit research and policy institute affiliated with the Georgetown McCourt School of Public Policy that studies the link between education, career qualifications, and workforce demands.

National Center on Education and the Economy
The National Center on Education and the Economy is dedicated to providing the tools and technical assistance the nation needs to lead the world in education and training.

Workforce EdTech
Workforce EdTech uses technology to accelerate adult learning, employment, and career advancement. The Resources page to capture the newest best practices and thought leadership on leveraging technology to accelerate workforce outcomes and lifelong learning.

Workforce EdTech
Workforce EdTech uses technology to accelerate adult learning, employment, and career advancement. The Resources page to capture the newest best practices and thought leadership on leveraging technology to accelerate workforce outcomes and lifelong learning.

Workforce GPS
WorkforceGPS is an online technical assistance website created to help build the capacity of America's public workforce investment system. Sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor, WorkforceGPS was developed specifically for workforce professionals, educators, and business leaders. Browse curated communities of interest, useful webinars and other training resources, promising workforce development practices, and relevant evidence-based research – giving you the tools you need to help you create innovative approaches to improve the employment prospects of job seekers.


New Ways of Learning in the Workplace
Bettina A. Lankard
This Digest addresses some of the new ways to learn at work, such as action learning, situated learning, and incidental learning.

Workplace Literacy Best Practice Guidelines
National Workforce Assistance Collaborative
The National Workforce Assistance Collaborative enumerates characteristics shared by the most effective workplace literacy programs.

Context Matters: Teaching and Learning Skills for Work
Beth Giddens & Cathy Stasz
This article explains why educators worry about workplace skills as well as how academic skills are transformed at work.

Workplace Literacy Assessment Tools
Maurice C. Taylor
Evaluating the appropriateness of existing literacy instruments for use in workplace basic skills programs may provide some insight into further test development strategies. A technical review of three such instruments is presented here.

Learn to Earn: Issues Raised by Welfare Reform for Adult Education, Training and Work
Suzanne Knell
The purpose of this paper is to give a brief overview of the new welfare legislation and how it affects adult education and training and to outline potential strategies to create effective new adult education programs that are integrated with job/vocational training, job preparation, work activities and work.


National Transitional Jobs Network - Budgeting and Funding
Securing adequate funding and building efficient program budgets can be among the most challenging aspects of starting and operating a Transitional Jobs program.

Pennsylvania's Workforce Education Research Center
The WERC Electronic Discussion List Resources have articles, discussions and workshops on numerous topics in relation to workforce development.

Work-related Learning Guide for Family Literacy and Adult Education Organizations

This guide includes lessons, program planning support, and suggestions for bringing in employers as partners in learning.

Planning a Workplace Literacy Program
This overview was written for volunteer-based literacy organizations that are thinking about providing literacy services to business and industry.

Reach Higher, America : Overcoming Crisis in the U.S. Workforce
This final report from the National Commission on Adult Literacy outlines the Commission’s vision for America ’s 21st Century workforce. The report recommends changes in areas such as system accountability and results.

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.Florida Literacy Coalition
..235 Maitland Ave. S #102

Maitland, FL 32751
..Phone: (407)-246-7110
..Fax: (407)-246 - 7104

Florida Literacy Hotline
(800) - 237 - 5113