Between the Bars
Between the Bars is a weblog platform for people in prison. .
Corrections Off-line Education Platform
The WiderNet Project is in the process of developing an off-line education information server designed specifically for the corrections environment.
Center for Employment Opportunities
Tips for Working with Jobseekers Newly Released from Prison
The National Reentry Resource Center: Funding
Brown University Corrections Literacy Resources
Literacy Fact Sheet: Correctional Education
Florida Justice Institute Prison Reentry Project
Community Partnership for Adult Learning Curriculum Correctional Education Guide
PBS Learning Media
ACE School GED Life Skills Curriculum
‘Cultural Shift’ Is Among Findings of Second Chance Act Evaluation
Nancy Ritter, National Institute of Justice, December 2013
The first phase of an NIJ-funded evaluation finds that re-entry programs are moving toward a rehabilitative philosophy and an acceptance of evidence-based practices.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Correctional Education (2013)
After conducting a comprehensive literature search, the authors undertook a meta-analysis to examine the association between correctional education and reductions in recidivism, improvements in employment after release from prison, and learning in math and in reading. Their findings support the premise that receiving correctional education while incarcerated reduces an individual's risk of recidivating. They also found that those receiving correctional education had improved odds of obtaining employment after release. The authors also examined the benefits of computer-assisted learning and compared the costs of prison education programs with the costs of reincarceration.
A Reentry Education Model: Supporting Education and Career Advancement for Low-Skill Individuals in Corrections (August 2012)
This US Department of Education report identifies challenges and solutions to strengthen and establish an education continuum integrated in the corrections system.
Process and Systems Change Evaluation findings from the Transition from Jail to Community Initiative
Designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities surrounding jail reentry, the Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) initiative and TJC model advance systems-level change through collaborative and coordinated relationships between jails and local communities to address reentry. Enhanced public safety, reduced recidivism, and improved individual reintegration outcomes are the overarching goals of the TJC model.
State Recidivism Study
Stephen Steurer, Linda Smith &
Alice Tracy
The Correctional Education Association conducted the Three State
Recidivism Study for the United States Department of Education
Office of Correctional Education. The study was designed to see
if education, independent of other programs, could have significant
impact on the behavior of inmates after release.
Exploring the Role of Education during Incarceration and Reentry
This report surveys the current landscape of correctional education, discussing both the educational needs of people involved in the criminal justice system and the programs being provided to meet those needs. It reviews research on the effectiveness of correctional education; outlines the guiding principles for effective programming; discusses the issues involved in providing education in correctional settings; and identifies some potential responses to these challenges. The report closes by looking to the future and highlighting key issues and new directions in research, policy, and practice. More information about the Reentry Roundtables can be found at
Community-based Correctional Education U.S. Department of Education
The report outlines the characteristics of community-based correctional education programs, including their organizational structure, target population, curriculum, instruction, instructor preparation, and partnerships. It also describes the challenges of community-based correctional education, shares collected advice on how such services can be strengthened, and discusses implications for federal and state policy.
Justice Center Reentry Policy Council
The Report of the Re-Entry Policy Council, which was authored by the Council of State Governments and ten project partners, reflects the results of a series of meetings among 100 of the most respected workforce, health, housing, public safety, family, community, and victim experts in the country.
The National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy’s Article Two Ways to Assess Literacy Learners in Prison
US Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs:
Report on Correctional Education for a Satellite Based Corrections Training Network
Locked Up and Locked Out: An Educational Perspective on the U.S. Prison Population
This report provides a broad perspective on the U.S. prison population and offer judgments about the status of prison education programs. The prison education enterprise is perhaps more important now than ever, as the prison population surges and evidence accumulates about the effectiveness of prison education programs on recidivism. Yet this population continues to be under-educated, with most prisoners having less than a high school education. Ever-larger numbers of ex-prisoners are returning to their communities poorly prepared to re-enter the workforce and, as a result, to support themselves and their families, or to form families and rear children.
Report of the Re-Entry Policy Council – Charting the Safe and Successful Return of Prisoners to the Community
The recommendations of this review show how each system can be transformed to more effectively serve people released from prison, their families, and the communities to which they are returning.
Literacy Behind Bars: Results From the 2003 NAAL Prison Survey
The assessment was administered to approximately 1,200 inmates (ages 16 and older) in state and federal prisons, as well as to approximately 18,000 adults (ages 16 and older) living in households. The prison sample is representative of the 1,380,000 adults in prison and the household sample s representative of the 221,020,000 adults in households in 2003.
A Portrait of Prisoner Reentry in Ohio
This Portrait of Prisoner Reentry in Ohio is part of a larger Urban Institute initiative entitled Returning Home: Understanding the Challenges of Prisoner Reentry. The purpose of Returning Home is to develop a deeper understanding of the reentry experiences of returning prisoners, their families, and their communities.
Returning Home: Understanding the Challenges of Prisoner Reentry
The purpose of this pilot study was both to examine the process of prisoner reintegration in Baltimore through the experiences of released prisoners in our sample.
Literacy Behind Prison Walls
The National Adult Literacy Survey is based on a different concept of literacy and, therefore, takes a different approach to measuring it. The aim of this survey is to profile the English literacy of adults in the United States, including prison inmates, based on their performance across a wide array of tasks that reflect the types of materials and demands they encounter in their daily lives.
The Current State of Correctional Education
The data presented in this paper presents a number of conclusions about the status of correctional education in the United States and, has identified a number of gaps that need to be addressed by the research and policy communities.
Current Issues in Correctional Education
The principal aim of this paper is to help open the door to a fresh consideration of policy development, the need for increased and better-directed funding, and more effective advocacy for correctional literacy and adult education in the years to come.
Education and Correctional Populations
Data for this report were taken from the Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 1997 and 1991, the Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 1996 and 1989, and the Survey of Adults on Probation, 1995.
Examining a New Model for Prisoner Re-Entry Services: The Evaluation of Beneficiary Choice
DOL awarded five grantees a total of $10 million through two rounds of grants to serve approximately 450 participants each. To be eligible to receive services, ex-offenders had to be between the ages of 18 and 29, within 60 days after release of incarceration, and convicted of a federal or state crime. DOL contracted with Mathematica Policy Research to evaluate how the program unfolded over time. This report presents the findings of this evaluation.
Life After Lockup: Improving Reentry from Jail to the Community
Over the past two years, we have commissioned seven papers, convened a Jail Reentry Roundtable and two national advisory meetings, conducted a “scan of practice,” and interviewed dozens of practitioners around the country. This report aims to synthesize what we have learned through these efforts.
Prisoners in 2009
This article gives stats on prison growth throughout the country.
Probation and Parole in the United States 2009
This article gives stats on probation and parole throughout the US.
Ready4Reentry: Prisoner Reentry Toolkit for Faith-Based and Community Organizations
This paper includes three central components: (1) case management, (2) mentoring and (3) job training and placement.
Resource Guide
This guide provides a list of resources for state and local governments, Indian tribes, nonprofits, community and faith-based organizations, and others interested in developing prisoner reentry initiatives that reflect evidence-based practices and lessons learned from the field.
Community-Based Correctional Education
The report outlines the characteristics of community-based correctional education programs, including their organizational structure, target population, curriculum, instruction, instructor preparation, and partnerships. It also describes the challenges of community-based correctional education, shares collected advice on how such services can be strengthened, and discusses implications for federal and state policy.