February 24th-29th is America Saves Week for 2020! America Saves Week is an annual celebration that encourages people to save successfully, and informs them on ways to do that. This year, America Saves has a theme about saving for each day:
- Monday, February 24, 2020: Save Automatically
- Tuesday, February 25, 2020: Save with a Plan
- Wednesday, February 26, 2020: Save for the Unexpected
- Thursday, February 27, 2020: Save to Retire
- Friday, February 28, 2020: Save by Reducing Debt
- Saturday, February 29, 2020: Save as a Family
You can read more about America Saves Week on their website.
How can adult educators celebrate America Saves Week?
One of the major parts of America Saves Week is the America Saves Pledge, a pledge to save up for a particular goal. From the pledge, one gets a framework to set a goal and make a plan to achieve their savings goal. This is a useful resource for educators to share with their students. Taking the pledge will encourage them to take their financial health and savings seriously.
Beyond the pledge, you can celebrate by encouraging good financial habits in your students by incorporating financial literacy into your classroom and curriculum. Depending on how often the class meets, you can address the daily themes of America Saves Week on their respective days. Otherwise you can talk about them all as reasons to save money. Some themes might be more applicable to your students than others. For example, Thursday’s theme (Save to Retire) might be better to discuss with a class of older students. Saturday’s theme (Save as a Family) is something you might want to focus on for a family literacy program.
However you choose to teach financial literacy to your students, the Florida Literacy Coalition website has educator resources for financial literacy that you can use year-round. Along with online resources, you can also order free financial literacy resources, such as worksheets and Spanish language resources, from our Resource Clearinghouse. Financial stability is an extremely important factor in a good life, as many adult learners are trying to achieve. Adding financial literacy to your adult education program will benefit your students in both the short and long-term.