2025 Conference Exhibitor Info & Forms:
The Florida Literacy Coalition is pleased to announce the 41st Annual Florida Literacy Conference: Open Books Open Minds, May 13-15, 2025, at The Shores Resort in Daytona Beach Shores, FL.
FLC anticipates welcoming approximately 350 attendees to the 41st Annual Florida Literacy Conference. Most participants work for adult education, literacy, ESOL and family literacy programs throughout Florida. Of our attendees, approximately 40% are program administrators and 45% are teachers from public and nonprofit adult education/literacy programs.
Exhibiting at the 2025 Conference has been designed with the highest visibility and traffic in mind. As a potential exhibitor, you will be pleased to know that:
The exhibit area will be conveniently located near all general and concurrent session rooms.
All refreshment breaks will take place in the exhibit hall area.
The Florida Literacy Coalition will provide a link to each exhibitor's website from www.floridaliteracy.org, which receives an average of approximately 3,100 visitors per week.
All exhibitors will have a listing in the Conference program and attendees will be encouraged to visit exhibitors at the Opening General Session.
Conference sponsors can have their software loaded on computers in the computer lab where, during open times, attendees can demo software on their own.
Exhibitors will be given the opportunity to promote their products through special drawings held during breaks and at the closing general session.
Exhibitors who have purchased a table may propose a workshop session using the Call for Presenters online form. Presentations by exhibitors will be labeled as such in the conference program. Exhibitors will be limited to one concurrent session. Exhibitors who are also sponsors, however, will be permitted to submit two proposals. FLC will contact exhibitors on a first come, first serve basis to choose table(s) for those whose exhibitor application is completed, and payment is received online or postmarked by April 8, 2025. As always, exhibit space will be limited. If space is available, exhibitors will be able to purchase a second table for $175. A timely request will increase the possibility of purchasing an additional table. We will do our best to accommodate as many exhibitors as possible.
The $450 per table fee entitles you to the following: • Company name and description listed in conference program • Conference admission for a company representative including Opening Reception. • One 6’ or 8’ table, two chairs
Your exhibit fee is refundable if FLC receives written notice of your cancellation on or before April 8, 2025 (a $25 processing fee will be applied). We will not be able to refund fees if cancellation is received after this date.
Exhibitor Eligibility
The Florida Literacy Coalition, Inc. reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company for inclusion in the conference and reserves the right to reject or prohibit any exhibit in whole or in part, or any exhibitor or his/her representative. No refund will be made as a result of the removal.
Exhibitor Liability
The exhibitor agrees to make no claim for any reason against the Florida Literacy Coalition, Inc. and any contractors for loss, theft, damage, or destruction of goods, nor for any damage to his/her business by reason of the exhibit; nor for any injury to him/herself or employees; nor for any action of any nature of the conference or its members, offices, committees, agents, or employees.
Set Up and Dismantling
The exhibitor agrees to be set up prior to visitation hours. The exhibitor may not dismantle the exhibit prior to the listed times. Please contact Greg at srodgers@floridaliteracy.org if you need to break down or set up outside of designated times.
Exhibitor Timeline
Exhibitor Set-up:
Monday, May 12, 3:00pm-5:30pm / Tuesday, May 13, 7:00am-8:30am
Tuesday, May 13, 8:30am-6:00pm / Wednesday, May 14, 8:00am-3:30pm
Exhibitor Take-down:
Wednesday, May 14, 3:30pm-4:30pm
Hotel Reservation
Room rates for attendees and exhibitors at the Florida Literacy Conference start at $160. Reservations must be made before the deadline of April 21, 2025. Group rates do not apply before or after the meeting dates. To reserve your room, call 866-934-7467 and ask for the Florida Literacy Conference room block or reserve online here with the group code: 2505FLLITE.
Conference Exhibit Contact:
Stephanie Rodgers
Phone: (407) 246 -7110