Florida Literacy CoalitionFlorida Literacy CoalitionFlorida Literacy Coalition


Hotel Information


The Shores Resort
2637 S Atlantic Ave
Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118

Standard Guestrooms start at $160/night
Registration Deadline: April 21st

You can make reservations directly with the Shores Resort. To reserve your room, please visit the reservation site, or call 866-934-7467 and ask for the Florida Literacy Coalition room block with the group code: 2505FLLITE. Hotel registration deadline is April 21st.






.Florida Literacy Coalition
..235 Maitland Ave. S #102

Maitland, FL 32751
..Phone: (407)-246-7110
..Fax: (407)-246 - 7104

Florida Literacy Hotline
(800) - 237 - 5113